GothamChess on Youtube has the story.
Chess is indeed a strategy game played on a board with 64 squares. Players take turns moving their pieces to capture their opponent's king.
How to play:
1. Set up the board with the pieces. White moves first, then Black, and so on.
2. Move a piece to a vacant square or capture an opponent's piece.
3. Repeat until the opponent's king is checkmated or the game ends in a draw.
Piece movement:
King: Moves one square in any direction. The king can be put in check, but it can't be captured.
Queen: Moves any number of squares in any direction.
Rook: Moves any number of squares horizontally or vertically. Rooks can also castle with the king.
Bishop: Moves any number of squares diagonally. Bishops can only move on squares of the same color they started on.
Knight: Moves in an "L" shape, jumping over other pieces if needed.
Pawn: Moves one square up the board, or two squares on its first move.
Capturing pieces:
When an attacking piece takes an opponent's piece, the captured piece is removed from the game. The move is recorded using algebraic notation. For example, "Rxf5" means the rook captured the opponent's piece on the f5 square.
The goal of chess is to checkmate the opponent's king, which means threatening to capture it in a way that can't be escaped.
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of AI that creates new content like text, images, audio, and video. It uses machine learning to analyze large amounts of data and generate new content based on a user's input.
Castling is indeed a move in chess. It consists of moving the king two squares toward a rook on the same rank and then moving the rook to the square that the king passed over.
Can chess pieces be brought back to life after being killed?
Yes, in chess, a captured piece can be reborn as a different piece through a process called promotion. A pawn can also be promoted when it reaches the other side of the board.
In chess, en passant (French: [ɑ̃ pasɑ̃], lit. "in passing") describes the capture by a pawn of an enemy pawn on the same rank and an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance. This is a special case in the rules of chess.
An AI might make illegal moves in chess because it lacks a deep understanding of the chess rules, particularly when dealing with complex situations, and might rely on pattern matching without fully considering the logical constraints of the game, leading to moves that violate basic chess principles or simply aren't allowed by the rules; this is especially true for language-based AI models that aren't specifically designed for chess gameplay.
A so-called illegal move in the game of chess happens whenever a player violates the official rules, approved and governed by the International Chess Federation (FIDE). For example, a move that breaks these rules would be placing or leaving your king in check. This is a big no-no because kings don't like being in check.
Has anyone beaten the "best AI" in chess?
The Ponomariov vs Fritz game on 21 November 2005 is the last known win by a human against a top-performing computer under normal chess tournament conditions.
If during a game it is found that an illegal move has been completed, the position immediately before the irregularity shall be reinstated. If the position immediately before the irregularity cannot be determined, the game shall continue from the last identifiable position prior to the irregularity.
It is illegal to make a move that places or leaves one's king in check. The possible ways to get out of check are: Move the king to a square where it is not in check. Capture the checking piece.
"Competing in the AI market" - is this a kind of "economic chess move" itself? While billion-dollar companies are busy throwing money at problems, DeepSeek seems to be playing so-called 4D chess, one smart move at a time. So, the next time someone tells you that you need a mountain of cash to compete in AI, just point them to DeepSeek. DeepSeek seems to require less expenses.
Translation to Chinese:
Youtube 上的 GothamChess 讲述了这个故事。
国际象棋确实是一种在有 64 个方格的棋盘上进行的策略游戏。玩家轮流移动棋子以捕获对手的国王。
1. 用棋子设置棋盘。白棋先走,然后黑棋走,依此类推。
2. 将棋子移到空位或捕获对手的棋子。
3. 重复,直到对手的国王被将死或游戏以平局结束。
当进攻棋子吃掉对手的棋子时,被吃掉的棋子将被移出游戏。该移动使用代数符号记录。例如,“Rxf5”表示车在 f5 格吃掉了对手的棋子。
生成式人工智能 (AI) 是一种可以创建新内容(如文本、图像、音频和视频)的人工智能。它使用机器学习来分析大量数据并根据用户的输入生成新内容。
在国际象棋中,过路兵(法语:[ɑ̃ pasɑ̃],字面意思是“过路”)描述的是棋子吃掉同等级的敌方棋子和刚刚前进两格的相邻棋列。这是国际象棋规则中的一个特例。
人工智能可能会在国际象棋中做出非法举动,因为它缺乏对国际象棋规则的深入了解,特别是在处理复杂情况时,并且可能依赖模式匹配而没有充分考虑游戏的逻辑约束,导致违反基本国际象棋原则或规则不允许的举动;对于并非专门为国际象棋游戏设计的基于语言的 AI 模型来说尤其如此。
在国际象棋游戏中,当玩家违反国际象棋联合会 (FIDE) 批准和管理的官方规则时,就会发生所谓的非法举动。例如,违反这些规则的举动是将王置于或不将其置于将军位置。这是大忌,因为王不喜欢被将军。
有人在国际象棋中击败过“最佳 AI”吗?
2005 年 11 月 21 日的波诺马廖夫与弗里茨的比赛是人类在正常国际象棋锦标赛条件下最后一次战胜表现最佳的计算机。
“在人工智能市场竞争”——这本身就是一种“经济棋步”吗?当价值数十亿美元的公司忙着花钱解决问题时,DeepSeek 似乎在下所谓的 4D 国际象棋,一步一个脚印。所以,下次有人告诉你你需要一大笔钱才能在人工智能领域竞争时,就把他们引向 DeepSeek。DeepSeek 似乎需要更少的开支。
Xiangqi (/ˈʃɑːŋtʃi/; Chinese: 象棋; pinyin: xiàngqí), commonly known as Chinese chess or elephant chess, is a strategy board game for two players. It is the most popular board game in China.
The names of the pieces in Chinese chess, or xiangqi, are:
General: Jiàng (将) or shuài (帅)
Advisor: Shì (士)
Elephant: Xiàng (象)
Chariot: Chū (車)
Horse: Mǎ (馬)
Cannon: Pào (砲)
Soldier: Zú (卒) or bīng (兵)
The general is also known as the king.
The advisor is also known as the guard.
The elephant is also known as the bishop.
The chariot is also known as the rook.
The horse is also known as the knight.
The cannon is also known as the catapult.
The soldier is also known as the pawn.
In xiangqi, pieces are placed on intersections of lines, not squares.
What are the names of Western Chess pieces (not 象棋)?
王 King
后 Queen
城堡(城堡) Rook
主教(主教) Bishop
騎士(騎士) Knight
兵 Pawn
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