Thursday, October 21, 2021

Chinese News (Part 10 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使

路透社報導,伯恩斯預計將輕鬆贏得兩黨參議員的贊譽。參議院外交委員會共和黨首席議員裡契(Jim Risch)說:「我認為,伯恩斯大使被任命為這一職位是合適的。」


Reuters reported that Burns is expected to easily win the praise of senators from both parties. Republican Chief Representative Jim Risch of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee said: "I think it is appropriate for Ambassador Burns to be appointed to this position."

After the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee holds a hearing today, it will choose a day to vote on the Burns nomination. If it is passed, it will be sent to the Senate for trial, and it will pass if more than half of the senators support it.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 9 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使


Regarding the investigation of the origin of the new crown epidemic, Burns also believes that China should take responsibility and respond. He said that Beijing has been "prevaricating" the world over the origin of the new crown. "We don't know how this virus was launched. There are many theories, and the Chinese need to answer these questions."

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 8 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使



Burns believes that although China is a country with "extraordinary strength," it also has weaknesses in politics, economy, and population. He said: "I think we should not exaggerate their strength, nor should we underestimate the strength of the United States. What we need is self-confidence that the United States is a powerful country."

Speaking of the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics, Burns did not make it clear whether he advocated boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics, but he said that it is necessary to ensure that athletes from the United States and other countries "can express their views" in Beijing.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 7 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使



At the same time, he also believes that the competition between the United States and China will center on economic and technological strength, rather than focusing on military capabilities as during the Cold War.

He said that the United States is right to require Beijing to comply with its first-phase trade agreement commitments, and urged Congress to pass relevant laws and regulations related to China aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the United States in key domestic sectors (such as semiconductors). He added that if the United States can unite economically with the European Union and Japan, it will create effective levers to counter China.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 6 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使

面對美中競爭,伯恩斯說,在印太地區建立聯盟是對抗中國的關鍵。他讚揚美國總統拜登上個月宣佈的與澳大利亞和英國的AUKUS聯盟可能是具有「變革性」的策略、並罕見的稱讚前總統川普及上一任國務卿蓬佩奧(Michael Pompeo)重振了美國與澳大利亞、印度、日本的四方安全對話。

Facing the competition between the United States and China, Burns said that establishing an alliance in the Indo-Pacific region is the key to confronting China. He praised U.S. President Biden’s announcement last month that the AUKUS alliance with Australia and the U.K. may be a "transformative" strategy, and rarely praised former President Chuan Puppiao’s previous Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, for revitalizing the United States. Four-party security dialogue with Australia, India, and Japan.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 5 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使

伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 4 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使

伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 3 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使


As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 2 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使



He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Chinese News (Part 1 of 10) USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Why China is Building Africa’s Railways 中國為什麼要建設非洲鐵路

Take a look at "The B1M" Channel on Youtube. Africa is in the midst of a railway renaissance, and it’s being built in large part by China.

Sino-African relations or Afro-Chinese relations refers to the historical, political, economic, military, social, and cultural connection between mainland China and the African continent.

Modern political and economic relations between mainland China and the African continent commenced in the era of Mao Zedong, following the victory of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the Chinese Civil War. At the turn of the 21st century, the modern state of the People's Republic of China (PRC) built increasingly strong economic important ties with Africa. In 2013, it was estimated that one million Chinese citizens were residing in Africa.

Trade between China and Africa increased by 700% during the 1990s, and China is currently Africa's largest trading partner. The so-called Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was established in October 2000, which designated itself to be an official forum to strengthen the relationship between both parties. There have been increasing international concerns over the significant political, economic, and military roles that the country of China is playing in the African continent.

China’s so-called "rail spending spree" in Africa seems to be over but it is still laying down the tracks. Chinese contractors have started work on a mega rail project in Tanzania, days after completing another in Nigeria.

However, it seems that loan restructurings and poor returns have made lenders more cautious, putting other projects on hold.

Just days after completing West Africa’s longest double-track standard railway in Nigeria, the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) has started work on a US$1.3 billion railway on the other side of the continent, in Tanzania.

In the past decade, Beijing has strengthened its position as the largest contractor and financier of infrastructure in Africa, especially under the Belt and Road Initiative - President Xi Jinping’s trillion-dollar project that has seen the construction of railways, roads, ports and power plants.

看看 Youtube 上的“The B1M”頻道。非洲正處於鐵路復興之中,而鐵路在很大程度上是由中國建造的。


中國大陸與非洲大陸之間的現代政治和經濟關係始於毛澤東時代,隨著中國共產黨(CCP)在中國內戰中的勝利。進入 21 世紀之交,現代中華人民共和國 (PRC) 與非洲建立了日益強大的重要經濟聯繫。 2013年,估計有100萬中國公民居住在非洲。




在尼日利亞完成西非最長的雙軌標準鐵路幾天后,中國土木工程建設總公司(CCECC)已經開始在非洲大陸的另一邊的坦桑尼亞建設一條價值 13 億美元的鐵路。


Chinese News Notes - USA Ambassador to China 美國准駐華大使

美國准駐華大使:中國是「侵略者」 應助台灣自衛

拜登提名的美國准駐華大使伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)在國會對中國提出了嚴厲的批評,並表示美國在台灣議題上「不能相信中國」。


US ambassador to China: China is an "aggressor" and should help Taiwan defend itself

Nicholas Burns, the US ambassador to China nominated by Biden, severely criticized China in Congress and said that the US "cannot trust China" on the Taiwan issue.

Burns, the nominee of the US ambassador to China, is a veteran diplomat.

Read the full news story here:

(德國之聲中文網)獲提名出任美國駐中大使的前國務次卿伯恩斯(Nicholas Burns)週三(10月20日)在美國國會出席人事案聽證會。他向議員表示,中國為美國「最危險的競爭對手」,批評其對新疆丶西藏丶香港丶台灣的舉措,並指中國是一個「侵略者」,對印度丶日本及南海週遭等國家造成威脅。




伯恩斯以香港為例,他說自己在1997年擔任國務院發言人期間,曾伴隨時任國務卿歐布萊特(Madeleine Albright)赴香港,見證香港主權移交。


伯恩斯說,有鑑於中國對台灣的行為與言論,美國國會與行政部門「完全有權深化(美台)安全合作」、擴大對台灣提供武器。他建議,美國應把台灣變成一顆「難敲開的堅果」(a tough nut to crack,意指難以對付)、協助台灣提升不對稱防衛戰力。

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) Former Undersecretary of State Burns (Nicholas Burns), who was nominated to be the US ambassador to China, attended a personnel hearing in the US Congress on Wednesday (October 20). He told lawmakers that China is the "most dangerous competitor" of the United States, criticized its actions against Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and pointed out that China is an "aggressor" that poses a threat to India, Japan and the surrounding countries of the South China Sea. .

He said: "The genocide of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang, the abuse of power in Tibet, the strangulation of Hong Kong's autonomy and freedom, and the bullying of Taiwan are all unrighteous and must be stopped."

Burns, 65, is a professional diplomat. He entered the American diplomatic circle in the 1980s and has held important positions in both the Republican and Democratic governments. In the era of former U.S. President Bush Jr., Burns served as the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador to NATO. He also served as the US ambassador to Greece and the spokesperson of the State Department during the time of former President Clinton.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait heats up, Burns has also been repeatedly asked about Taiwan issues by senators at the hearing. He condemned the recent entry of Chinese fighter planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone, calling it "particularly offensive." He reiterated that Washington is correct in adhering to the current "One China" policy on the Taiwan issue, but at the same time it must also express opposition to Beijing's actions to undermine the status quo.

Burns took Hong Kong as an example. He said that when he was the spokesperson of the State Council in 1997, he accompanied the then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Hong Kong to witness the transfer of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Burns said that he especially remembered the promises made by the Chinese leaders to the people of Hong Kong and other countries in the world when they met with them, but then they violated them one by one. He said: "We obviously cannot believe that China will fulfill its promises on the Taiwan issue."

Burns said that in light of China's actions and remarks against Taiwan, the US Congress and the executive branch have "full power to deepen (US-Taiwan) security cooperation" and expand the supply of weapons to Taiwan. He suggested that the United States should turn Taiwan into a "tough nut to crack" (a tough nut to crack, meaning difficult to deal with) and assist Taiwan in enhancing its asymmetric defense capabilities.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平 (Part 16 of 16)

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平

PJSC Gazprom is a Russian majority state-owned multinational energy corporation headquartered in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. As of 2019, with sales over US$120 billion, it sat as the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Gazprom was certainly ranked as the 32nd -largest public company in the world. Gazprom name is a portmanteau of the Russian words Gazovaya Promyshlennost (gas industry).

PJSC Gazprom 是一家俄羅斯多數國有跨國能源公司,總部位於聖彼得堡的拉赫塔中心。 截至 2019 年,其銷售額超過 1200 億美元,是全球最大的上市天然氣公司,也是俄羅斯收入最大的公司。 在 2020 年福布斯全球 2000 強中,Gazprom 無疑是全球第 32 大上市公司。 Gazprom 名稱是俄語單詞 Gazovaya Promyshlennost(天然氣工業)的合成詞。

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平 (Part 15 of 16)

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平

PJSC Gazprom is a Russian majority state-owned multinational energy corporation headquartered in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. As of 2019, with sales over US$120 billion, it sat as the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Gazprom was certainly ranked as the 32nd -largest public company in the world. Gazprom name is a portmanteau of the Russian words Gazovaya Promyshlennost (gas industry).

PJSC Gazprom 是一家俄羅斯多數國有跨國能源公司,總部位於聖彼得堡的拉赫塔中心。 截至 2019 年,其銷售額超過 1200 億美元,是全球最大的上市天然氣公司,也是俄羅斯收入最大的公司。 在 2020 年福布斯全球 2000 強中,Gazprom 無疑是全球第 32 大上市公司。 Gazprom 名稱是俄語單詞 Gazovaya Promyshlennost(天然氣工業)的合成詞。

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平 (Part 14 of 16)

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平

PJSC Gazprom is a Russian majority state-owned multinational energy corporation headquartered in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. As of 2019, with sales over US$120 billion, it sat as the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Gazprom was certainly ranked as the 32nd -largest public company in the world. Gazprom name is a portmanteau of the Russian words Gazovaya Promyshlennost (gas industry).

PJSC Gazprom 是一家俄羅斯多數國有跨國能源公司,總部位於聖彼得堡的拉赫塔中心。 截至 2019 年,其銷售額超過 1200 億美元,是全球最大的上市天然氣公司,也是俄羅斯收入最大的公司。 在 2020 年福布斯全球 2000 強中,Gazprom 無疑是全球第 32 大上市公司。 Gazprom 名稱是俄語單詞 Gazovaya Promyshlennost(天然氣工業)的合成詞。

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平 (Part 13 of 16)

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平

PJSC Gazprom is a Russian majority state-owned multinational energy corporation headquartered in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. As of 2019, with sales over US$120 billion, it sat as the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Gazprom was certainly ranked as the 32nd -largest public company in the world. Gazprom name is a portmanteau of the Russian words Gazovaya Promyshlennost (gas industry).

PJSC Gazprom 是一家俄羅斯多數國有跨國能源公司,總部位於聖彼得堡的拉赫塔中心。 截至 2019 年,其銷售額超過 1200 億美元,是全球最大的上市天然氣公司,也是俄羅斯收入最大的公司。 在 2020 年福布斯全球 2000 強中,Gazprom 無疑是全球第 32 大上市公司。 Gazprom 名稱是俄語單詞 Gazovaya Promyshlennost(天然氣工業)的合成詞。

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平 (Part 12 of 16)

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平

PJSC Gazprom is a Russian majority state-owned multinational energy corporation headquartered in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. As of 2019, with sales over US$120 billion, it sat as the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Gazprom was certainly ranked as the 32nd -largest public company in the world. Gazprom name is a portmanteau of the Russian words Gazovaya Promyshlennost (gas industry).

PJSC Gazprom 是一家俄羅斯多數國有跨國能源公司,總部位於聖彼得堡的拉赫塔中心。 截至 2019 年,其銷售額超過 1200 億美元,是全球最大的上市天然氣公司,也是俄羅斯收入最大的公司。 在 2020 年福布斯全球 2000 強中,Gazprom 無疑是全球第 32 大上市公司。 Gazprom 名稱是俄語單詞 Gazovaya Promyshlennost(天然氣工業)的合成詞。

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平 (Part 11 of 16)

Russia says gas supplies to Europe are at maximum levels 俄羅斯稱對歐洲的天然氣供應處於最高水平

PJSC Gazprom is a Russian majority state-owned multinational energy corporation headquartered in the Lakhta Center in Saint Petersburg. As of 2019, with sales over US$120 billion, it sat as the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue. In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Gazprom was certainly ranked as the 32nd -largest public company in the world. Gazprom name is a portmanteau of the Russian words Gazovaya Promyshlennost (gas industry).

PJSC Gazprom 是一家俄羅斯多數國有跨國能源公司,總部位於聖彼得堡的拉赫塔中心。 截至 2019 年,其銷售額超過 1200 億美元,是全球最大的上市天然氣公司,也是俄羅斯收入最大的公司。 在 2020 年福布斯全球 2000 強中,Gazprom 無疑是全球第 32 大上市公司。 Gazprom 名稱是俄語單詞 Gazovaya Promyshlennost(天然氣工業)的合成詞。