Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Chinese Opposite Words 汉语对立词

Chinese Opposite Words 汉语对立词

吃饱 - chī bǎo - full 
饿 - è - hungry 
左 - zuǒ - left 
右 - yòu - right 
近 - jìn - near 
远 - yuǎn - far 
湿 - shī - wet 
干 - gàn - dry 
入口 - rùkǒu - entrance 
出口 - chūkǒu - exit 
上 - shàng - up 
下 - xià - down 
冬天 - dōngtiān - winter 
夏天 - xiàtiān - summer 
对 - duì - correct 
错 - cuò - wrong

More Words:

新 (xīn)/旧 (jiù) = new/old
高 (gāo)/矮 (ǎi) = tall/short
冷 (lěng)/热 (rè) = cold/hot
便宜 (pián yí)/贵 (guì) = cheap/expensive
近 (jìn)/远 (yuǎn) = near/far
小 (xiǎo)/大 (dà) = small/big
软 (ruǎn)/硬 (yìng) = soft/hard
现代 (xiàn dài)/传统 (chuán tǒng) = modern/traditional
安静 (ān jìng)/吵 (chǎo) = quiet/noisy
高兴 (gāo xìng)/伤心 (shāng xīn) = happy/sad
安全 (ān quán)/危险 (wéi xiǎn) = safe/dangerous
胖 (pàng)/瘦 (shòu) = fat/thin
老 (lǎo)/年轻 (nián qīng) = old/young
有趣 (yǒu qù)/无聊 (wú liáo) = interesting/boring
强 (qiáng)/弱 (ruò) = strong/weak

Keep in mind, there are quite a few Chinese words that are made from two opposite characters back to back. One of the most famous is the yin-yang (阴阳  yīn yáng) in Chinese philosophy, which explains how opposite forces are actually interconnected.

多少 (duō shǎo) = how many/how much (many/few)
左右 (zuǒ yòu) = about/approximately (left/right)
东西 (dōng xī) = thing/stuff (east/west)
粗细 (cū xì) = thickness (thick/thin)
快慢 (kuài màn) = speed (fast/slow
动静 (dòng jìng) = movement/activity (move/still)
大小 (dà xiǎo) = size (big/small)
宽窄 (kuān zhǎi) = width (wide/narrow)
长短 (cháng duǎn) = length (long/short)
曲直 (qū zhí) = right and wrong (crooked/straight)

Example Sentence:

xiāng gǎng hěn rè, hā’ěr bīn hěn lěng
Hong Kong is very hot, Harbin is very cold.

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