Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Chinese "Not Only" and "More Than" 中文的"不仅"和"不止"

Chinese "Not Only" and "More Than" 中文的"不仅"和"不止"

Example Sentences:

这个 东西 不但 贵 ,而且 难 买 。
Zhège dōngxi bùdàn guì, érqiě nán mǎi .
This thing is not only expensive, but also hard to buy.

这 道 菜 不但 好看 ,也 好吃 。
Zhè dào cài bùdàn hǎokàn, yě hǎochī.
This dish is not only attractive, but also delicious.

她 不但 聪明 ,而且 很 幽默 。
Tā bùdàn cōngming, érqiě hěn yōumò.
She is not only smart, but also very humorous.

她 不但 离开 了 我 ,还 拿走 了 我 所有 的 钱 。
Tā bùdàn líkāi le wǒ, hái názǒu le wǒ suǒyǒu de qián.
Not only did she leave me, but she also took all my money.

他 不但 提前 做 完 了 ,而且 做 得 很 好 。
Tā bùdàn tíqián zuò wán le, érqiě zuò de hěn hǎo.
Not only did he finish it in advance, but he did it very well.



以上 more than
不止 more than, not limited to, without end, incessantly
开外 over, more than


逾 (rare) (Yú) more than, exceed, go beyond, jump over


绰绰有余 more than enough
半数以上, 半以上 more than half
更有什者 more than this
不止一次 more than once
比那更多的 more than that 
不多于 not more than
不多于, 不过 no more than
更多, 更, 更加, 更好, 还 more
超过必要的 more than necessary
无非是 nothing more than
一年多了, 一年多 more than a year
比 than

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